
Immigrants Work to Learn English

As more and more immigrants flock to America from around the world, solutions must be found to help them integrate fully. Aside from the cultural adjustments, immigrants struggle to learn English. The English language has always been acknowledged as a difficult one to master. The complex grammar, vocabulary and endless rules are challenging for one unfamiliar with the intricacies of the language, even with a translator available.
There are many programs offered to help adult immigrants learn and improve their English. reported that numerous school districts in Connecticut offer evening classes to help parents assimilate better into American culture and day-to-day life in English. Many parents expressed that it is difficult for them that they can’t assist their children with homework and have trouble doing simple tasks such as grocery shopping. The schools offer classes, one-on-one English lessons with tutors and even a book club.
In Dover, they have a different approach to teaching adults English. The Dover Adult Learning Center, according to, has hundreds of students who come to study a wide variety of topics including English, math, history, citizenship and GED preparation. Aside from regular classes and tutors, the DALC employs a peer-to-peer method of teaching. Students of one subject are the teachers of another. For example, while one woman helps an American learn French, the American in turn teaches her English medical terminology.
While these classes are wonderful to help immigrants fit in and become part of American society, they might also find technology helpful to build their confidence outside of class. With writing as the main method of communication, sending an email can be a daunting task for someone still struggling just to speak English. WhiteSmoke 2011 and the WhiteSmoke Translator are ideal tools for both immigrants and native speakers to make sure their writing is flawless. WhiteSmoke offers free English lessons. The WhiteSmoke Translator supports nine languages, so users can translate either full texts or individual words from their mother-tongues to English. The WhiteSmoke grammar-checker will make sure that they do not have any grammar or spelling mistakes, and it will even offer suggestions for improvement. With WhiteSmoke 2011 and the WhiteSmoke Translator, users can be confident in their writing without a tutor.

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